Episode 17: Mike Costaney | Best Tarot + The Third Thing


Fresh out of the Lion's Gate Portal!

This new episode of Radio Amenti features my friend, Mike Costaney, musician, producer, and creator of the new Best Tarot deck.

In this conversation we discuss the art of tarot (literally), celebrating failure and embracing imperfection, creativity, music, dreams, "the third thing", and much more!

A little about Mike:

Mike produces art and music and resides in the weird town of Toms River, NJ. He is an enthusiast of Magick, Qabalah, and Psychotherapy; he works to find realistic connections with these concepts in art and collaborative projects like in his latest endeavor, "Best Tarot".

Here's a bit about Best Tarot:

Best Tarot is the product of over 40 professional artists, amateur doodlers, and people who haven’t attempted to draw since grade school art class. These folks were given 60 seconds to look at a classic Tarot card, an unwieldy black marker, and a sheet of paper. Then, they had to draw the card they had been looking at using only their memory as a reference, some artists executing most of the 60 second reference onto paper and some failing beautifully.